Having a web site is a must for companies today. What makes the website valuable is the content of the website. Contents; can be written content, visual content or video content. While doing Google Seo work, it mostly benefits from written content. However, this does not mean that images and videos are worthless. On the contrary, it should be supported with texts, videos and images.
So how should the website content be prepared?
There is no rule that everyone who visits your website will love to read. When most people visit your site, they usually skim through your articles. If visitors who start reading the text cannot find what they are looking for in a short time, they will leave your site. For this reason, let's list a few items that you should pay attention to.
You should keep your content clear and short:
Your website visitors want to quickly get the information they are looking for while browsing your site. Short, understandable sentences should be used instead of long paragraphs. Content should not be duplicate content, it is important that you express it in your own words.
You should pay attention to the rules of spelling and grammar:
When writing an article or blog post, attention should be paid to grammar and spelling rules. A few mistakes that are overlooked do not cause problems, but no one wants to read an article full of mistakes.
Photo and Video Contents Must Be Yours:
For example, you have a factory. You want to share images or videos of the facility, production, equipment. It would be an advantage for you to get professional support for this. Duplicate images and videos shared from different places both cause loss of prestige and now Google understands whether even photos are duplicates.
You Should Pay Attention to SEO Rules While Preparing Content:
While preparing content for your website, your aim should be to inform the users coming to your website and to drive traffic to your website while giving this information. You should not overdo it when using keywords in your texts. You should not use meaningless words just to use keywords. You should write texts so that your website visitors will not be bored while reading.
In summary:
Your content should be informative and responsive to visitors' requests.
For this, you should have both visual and text content on each page.
Your text content must be at least 300 words and must not be copied.
Your images should contain both a title and a subtitle.
Headings should include the focus keywords and alternative words you use in your text content.
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